30 Oct

The Christian lifestyle is all about giving. This means that Christians do not just give to the needy, but also to fellow Christians. They are generous and spend much time with their families helping them build a stronger relationship between each other. This Christian way of life has also been labeled as "humble" simply because of how caring and sharing they show.
Christians have lived by this principle of giving for the Lord. They have an ongoing desire and determination to walk in the footsteps of the risen Jesus Christ. They are called to walk in the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, which includes having the experience of being purified and washed in the blood of Christ. This is what makes the Christian believer a walking and talking testament. They have been washed in the blood of Christ and have been cleansed through the word of God.  Worship at this Naperville church for your spiritual growth. 

The Christian way of life is much more than getting rich, because it is also about living in holiness. In fact, living the Christian faith means you don't have to worry about your money. Your wealth is with the Lord alone, according to the teachings of the scripture. Money is something you obtain from worldly power.
Because of this, most believers do not fear the loss of any material possessions they have because they are in the arms of the Lord. The Christian believer understands that they can go to heaven when they die, according to the scripture, but they must be willing to enter into the kingdom of God before they will be saved. Therefore, for a Christian, the thought of losing any worldly possessions is unthinkable. You can worship with this Naperville church today. 

Another reason why the Christian lifestyle is different than the secular world is that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Many Christians believe that the financial rewards of earthly life are given freely to those who choose to follow the path of Christ. Therefore, unlike secular lifestyles, people who are involved in the Christian way of life are not concerned with accumulating money. They are constantly looking for ways to spend money and give to the needy.

In essence, Christians are not selfish, they are very concerned about others and are always looking to give them what they need. Because of this, many Christians are in high-need areas, helping those who are less fortunate than themselves. Those who are not part of the Christian way of life are often considered by christians to be greedy and they are likened to devil's children. Therefore, if you are thinking about becoming a Christian, then you should look into becoming a part of the savior's body and be involved in the redemption of the fallen world. Find more insight about this topic by clicking here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity.

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